Can You Run Two Dehumidifiers in the Same Room?

Can You Run Two Dehumidifiers in the Same Room featured photo

If you live in a humid climate, you know how uncomfortable it gets due to excess moisture. A dehumidifier may be necessary to reduce humidity levels. But what if you have a large room or a too-humid space? Can you use two dehumidifiers instead of one?

Yes, you can run two dehumidifiers in the same room to remove a significant amount of moisture. You may also find them more affordable to own. Plus, you can move them easily if you decide to use one unit in another location.

However, using multiple units has its share of downsides, so we don’t always recommend it. Below, we’ll cover the factors to consider before running two dehumidifiers in the same room.  

Can You Run Two Dehumidifiers in the Same Room?

Can You Run Two Dehumidifiers in the Same Room

Yes, you can use two dehumidifiers in the same room. Doing so helps you remove excess moisture quickly, especially in large spaces and during humid weather.

Another benefit of two dehumidifiers is their cheaper upfront cost. You typically spend less on them than buying a large unit. 

You’ll also find two dehumidifiers easier to install and move to another area in your house.

Running two dehumidifiers isn’t always the best decision, though. 

Sure, you can save a few hundred dollars buying dual units instead of one. However, operating them in the long run will cost you more because two devices consume greater energy. 

In the next section, we’ll cover the factors to consider before running two dehumidifiers at the same time.

Using One vs. Two Dehumidifiers: What Are the Factors to Consider?

In general, using two dehumidifiers in the same room is acceptable. However, you must be mindful of several things to ensure it’s necessary. 

Upfront Cost

When shopping for dehumidifiers, you’ll usually find two smaller units cheaper than a single large model. For example, two 50-pint dehumidifiers cost around $250 each, whereas a 100-pint whole-house model retails between $600 and $1,000. As you can see, you can save a lot when investing in dual dehumidifiers.

If you have a small budget, it’s tempting to buy two cheaper dehumidifiers instead of one pricier model. But remember, they aren’t necessarily cost-effective in the long run. Consider other factors besides the initial price tag.

Operational Cost

Operational Cost

You may have thought you were saving money by buying smaller dehumidifiers. However, operating both units usually consumes greater energy, leading to an increase in your electricity bill. At the end of the day, you might spend more money if you use two undersized dehumidifiers instead of one properly rated model.

To put things into perspective, we’ll compare two 30-pint units against a single 70-pint device. The former typically consumes 460 watts (W), whereas the latter uses 650 W. Running two dehumidifiers can use 920 W, which is more powerful (and more expensive) than the single unit.

That said, it’s always best to check the wattage or energy factor rating of the appliance. For example, if you buy an energy-efficient small unit, you may find it has low energy consumption, resulting in cheap operational costs.

Type of Room

Type of Room

Another factor to consider is the room where you’ll place the dehumidifier.

Some areas, such as a damp basement and the laundry room, have more moisture. Running two dehumidifiers may be wise in this situation. Doing so can help quickly remove excess humidity and prevent mold growth.

However, if you want to dehumidify a large bedroom, you may find a single unit is enough. That is because bedrooms don’t have a lot of moisture that might require two devices.

Placement and Ease of Installation

You must also think about the available space in your home before deciding on using one or two dehumidifiers. 

Two portable units are typically easier to install than a large one. Most smaller models also have built-in wheels so that you can move them to various locations with ease. However, they must be located in different areas of the room (preferably on opposite ends) to ensure efficient moisture removal.

Meanwhile, larger units usually have a drain hose that must lead to a bathroom or proper drainage. You may need to hire a specialist to install the device on your property. Once fixed into place, larger dehumidifiers are difficult (or impossible) to move around. 

External Conditions

Always consider the climate of the place where you live. 

If your house is situated near sea level, you must deal with a greater amount of humidity than average. Two dehumidifiers running constantly can help you reduce the relative humidity faster. However, there is always a risk of over-drying the air. This leads to other issues, such as discomfort or dry cough. So, monitor the humidity level regularly.

On the other hand, those who live in a climate with lower humidity may not even need a dehumidifier. Instead, consider air conditioning (AC unit) or a humidifier for comfort.


This factor is often overlooked, but it is important to consider before buying a dehumidifier.

If you’re leaning towards purchasing two units, prepare yourself for increased maintenance. These include cleaning and replacing filters as well as draining water tanks all the time. 

What Happens if You Use a Dehumidifier Too Much?

Using a dehumidifier excessively can have several consequences.

First, you run into the risk of over-drying the air. Remember that a dehumidifier is designed to remove excess water vapor from the air. Avoid using it for longer periods or during inappropriate weather because it can lead to discomfort. Overly dry air can also cause dry skin and irritated mucous membranes.

Another downside of excessive dehumidifier usage is increased electricity bills. Avoid running the device constantly to reduce energy costs and save some money. Make sure to use it only when necessary, based on the humidity levels in the room.

Finally, frequent operation can lead to regular maintenance. You must constantly clean the device or risk damaging it.


You may consider running two dehumidifiers if you’re dealing with excess water vapor or have a large room. You can rely on them to reduce humidity to a comfortable level at a quicker pace than a single unit. But remember, using two smaller units can be expensive. Besides the cost, you must also think about several factors, which we have covered above. 

Do you want to learn more about dehumidifiers? Feel free to browse our blog page for other informative posts!

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