Best Gun Safe Dehumidifier

If you’re looking for a solution to excess humidity in your gun safe, you will need not just any dehumidifier that can fit inside. There are different types of dehumidifiers specifically designed for gun safes. Depending on the size of your gun safe, and the number of firearms and other belongings in storage, you may use an electric dehumidifier or a silica gel dehumidifier.

A gun safe protects your firearms from theft and fire accidents. However, they are not protected from excess humidity. If left unchecked, humidity can cause serious damage to your guns, ammunition, other equipment or important documents in storage, and the gun safe itself. Rust and corrosion are some of the common effects of excess moisture in metals. Without proper care, the harms they cause may be irreversible. 

To prevent this, it is important to maintain a healthy level of humidity in your gun safe. The best solution is to find the best gun safe dehumidifier. I searched for the best gun safe dehumidifiers in the market and curated a list of seven different models for you to choose from.

Top 6 Best Gun Safe Dehumidifiers

  • Dimensions: 12 x 1.12 x 1 inches
  • Coverage: 100 cu. ft.
  • Weight:
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  • Dimensions: 19 x 6 x 1 inches
  • Coverage: 100 cu. ft.
  • Weight: 0.5 Pounds
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  • Dimensions: 17.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 inches
  • Coverage: 100 cu. ft.
  • Weight: 1 Pounds
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  • Dimensions: 9 x 7 x 4 inches
  • Coverage: 300 cu. ft.
  • Weight: ‎13.1 Ounces
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  • Dimensions: 9 x 8.25 x 2.88 inches
  • Coverage: 333 cu. ft.
  • Weight: 14.4 Ounces
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  • Dimensions: 9 x 8 x 6 inches
  • Coverage: 60 cu. ft.
  • Weight: 2 Pounds
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1. Overall Best Gun Safe Dehumidifier: GoldenRod Original Dehumidifier

Lockdown GoldenRod Gun Safe Dehumidifier

Rod dehumidifiers are some of the most common ways to protect your firearms from excessive moisture. This type of dehumidifier lowers the humidity level in your gun safe by warming the air inside. Our top choice for electric dehumidifiers, the GoldenRod Original Dehumidifier, does this job most effectively. It can raise the air temperature up to 150°F or 65°C and maintain humidity levels of around 40 to 50 percent.

The GoldenRod dehumidifier is powered through the quick plug attachment that comes with it. It can be installed without difficulty especially if you have an existing power socket in your safe or a hole for the cable. Brackets for mounting are also provided and it is recommended that you position the rod horizontally at the bottom of your safe.

Perhaps the best thing about the GoldenRod dehumidifier (besides that it looks amazing) is it comes in four different sizes: 12, 18, 24, and 36 inches. The 12-inch rod can cover up to 100 cubic feet, while the longest, the 36-inch, has a coverage area of up to 500 cubic feet. For optimum dehumidification, choose the biggest that your safe can hold.

With all its positive traits, one issue you may find with the GoldenRod dehumidifier is the rod can get too hot to touch. It won’t be hot enough to burn your hand or any household material, but it can be uncomfortable. Also keep in mind that electric-powered gun safe dehumidifiers need to be plugged in all the time. If that just won’t work for you, then an electric dehumidifier in general might not be the best choice.


  • Quick installment
  • Superior heating capability 
  • Maintenance-free
  • Comes in four sizes
  • Lifetime warranty


  • Can get too hot to touch
  • Unsturdy mounting brackets

2. LOCKDOWN Dehumidifier Rod

Lockdown Dehumidifier Rod

The LOCKDOWN Dehumidifier Rod comes second in our list of the best gun safe dehumidifiers as it works on a principle similar to that of GoldenRod. Aside from the color and finish of the rods, the only difference we’ve noted is this model has a slightly lower heating power. It does cost significantly less, though. It also only comes in two sizes: 12 and 18 inches.

This electric rod comes in two sizes and serves an area of 100 to 200 cubic feet. Since it requires electric power, you may need to drill holes into your gun safe to plug into a socket. If your gun safe has a ready-to-use electrical outlet, then you won’t have to worry about this. The mounting brackets included may not be as durable so consider purchasing separate accessories of better quality.


  • Quick installment
  • High heating capability
  • Maintenance-free
  • Comes in two sizes


  • Can get too hot to touch
  • Unsturdy mounting brackets

3. SnapSafe Electric Rod

SnapSafe Gun Safe Dehumidifier Rod

SnapSafe manufactures a variety of safes and other accessories for your security. The third and last electric rod dehumidifier on our list, the SnapSafe dehumidifier rod gives you the best value for your money. 

It is just as able as the rest, and it won’t hurt your wallet. You also won’t need to worry about it getting too hot to handle. 

The SnapSafe rod dehumidifier is available in 12, 18, and 24-inch rods, which cover 100, 200, and 300 cubic feet, respectively.

Dehumidifier rods may be the most powerful and versatile option for gun safekeeping. They don’t need to be recharged or refilled. They only require little space and maintenance and they work consistently as long as there’s a power supply.


  • Quick installment
  • Maintenance-free
  • Budget-friendly
  • Doesn’t get too hot to touch


  • Lower heating power

4. PEET Dryer

PEET Dryer and Gun Safe Dehumidifier

This dehumidifier comes from a known manufacturer of drying appliances. Similar to other electric gun safe dehumidifiers, the PEET Dryer eliminates moisture in the air by releasing heat to warm the air inside your safe or cabinet.  

It’s made to fit perfectly in a corner of your safe and protect up to 300 cubic feet. Instead of a fan, it uses thermal convection to provide warmth, which means it operates ever so silently while consuming as low as 15 watts. That’s a lot less than your standard light bulb!

Due to its design and size, the PEET Dryer may be best for larger gun safes. You might also need to use it in combination with a desiccant dehumidifier for optimum results. Of course it still depends on the amount of moisture in the air, the size of your space, and the number of weapons and other materials you have stored. You can read on for more information on desiccant dehumidifiers.


  • Easy to use
  • Low power consumption
  • Silent operation


  • Not as effective in removing moisture
  • Best for large gun safes

5. Best Desiccant Gun Safe Dehumidifier: Eva-Dry E-333 Wireless Mini Dehumidifier

Eva-Dry E-333 Renewable Mini Dehumidifier

The first and the best desiccant dehumidifier on our list, the Eva-Dry E-333 Dehumidifier is as efficient as it is compact. It uses silica gel beads to absorb moisture from the air and lower the humidity level in your safe. The beads change color from orange to green once they have reached maximum capacity. This usually happens in two to four weeks.

It is light and portable and can fit almost any safe or cabinet. You can even use it in other spaces in your house that need dehumidifying, such as your kitchen, bathroom, or garage. As the name suggests, the Eva-Dry E-333 can protect an area of up to 333 cubic feet. For a larger gun safe, consider the larger Eva-Dry E-500

Completely safe and environment-friendly, this wireless dehumidifier doesn’t require batteries or electricity in order to operate. It contains non-toxic crystallized beads and is 100% leak-free. When the beads have absorbed 4 to 6 ounces of moisture, just plug the unit in for eight to ten hours to dry out. You can reuse these beads for up to ten years.


  • Portable, cordless dehumidifier
  • Does not require batteries
  • Renewable and eco-friendly
  • Large coverage area


  • Small capacity
  • Can take a while to recharge

6. SnapSafe Silica Gel Canister

SnapSafe Silica Gel Canister

This canister type dehumidifier by SnapSafe is one of the top choices for the desiccant type. Similar to the Eva-Dry model, it requires no batteries or electricity. It absorbs moisture from the air using a renewable silica gel technology. The silica gel crystals inside change color once they have removed all the moisture they can hold.

When the blue cap indicator turns pink, this means the silica gel canister needs to be recharged. Place in a 325°F oven for two hours or until the beads are fully dried out. Note that this SnapSafe dehumidifier recharges more quickly than most other brands. 

Although it can cover a relatively small area of 57 cubic feet, the SnapSafe stands out for its reliability and durability. Ensured with a lifetime warranty, you can recharge and reuse this unit for as many times as you need. Protect your guns from rust and corrosion without the addition of a major eyesore. Its simple yet attractive design will look great in any corner of your gun safe. 


  • Portable, cordless dehumidifier
  • Reactivates easily
  • Lifetime warranty


  • Small coverage
  • Oven recharging can be inconvenient

Why You Need a Dehumidifier for Gun Safe

Aside from protecting your firearms and keeping your family safe from gun accidents, a gun safe usually has enough extra space to store other valuables, such as jewelry, cash, or important documents. Since it is a closed space and you probably won’t need to open it so often, air may not be able to circulate inside, which then causes high humidity. 

With humidity comes excess moisture, which can lead to rusting and corrosion on metals. Rust isn’t only unpleasant to look at, it can also weaken the material of your gun and your gun safe itself. Over time, it can even cause your firearm to malfunction. Bullets and other metal objects stored in your gun safe may be damaged as well.

A damp environment also encourages growth of mold and mildew. Although metal may not be as prone to these fungi, other items in your storage like paper and fabrics may attract mold if left unchecked. This can pose a serious threat to you and your family’s health. In any case, it’s always best to prevent instead of cleaning up an already existing problem.

Types of Gun Safe Dehumidifiers

Electric Dehumidifier

This type of gun safe dehumidifier does not lower humidity by pulling moisture from the air. Instead, they heat up and circulate warm air in the enclosed area. As we learned from science class, hot air rises and cold air sinks. That’s why it’s best to mount your dehumidifier rods at the bottom of your gun safe. This continuous process stabilizes the environment inside and prevents condensation from building up. 

What’s great about electric dehumidifiers is the very little maintenance they require. Simply install, plug them in, and your gun safe stays warm and dry around the clock. The only issue with electric types is having to drill holes into your safe if it doesn’t already have one for the cords. It might be a bit concerning for some people to have wires lying around and leave an electrical equipment plugged in all day. 

Desiccant Dehumidifier

Desiccant dehumidifiers use hygroscopic chemicals such as silica gel to absorb moisture from the air. For those who aren’t familiar, silica gel is that thing in the little packets inside shoe boxes. Silica gel dehumidifiers don’t need electricity or batteries to operate. Just place them in a corner of your gun safe and they immediately start absorbing any excess water in the air. 

The silica gel beads change color when they have absorbed all the moisture they can handle. Once this happens, you need to recharge the unit either by plugging it in or by putting it in an oven to dry out the moisture completely. The former takes about eight to ten hours while the latter only takes at least two hours.

This type may not be as efficient in maintaining humidity levels in a large space but they work more than well enough in an enclosed space. They are safe, renewable, and can last up to a decade. The only maintenance they need is recharging every two to four weeks depending on how humid your safe is. Even this won’t take much of your time. Just plug them into a wall socket or place inside an oven then come back in a few hours. 

How to Choose a Dehumidifier for Gun Safe

A gun safe dehumidifier is a great investment. However, they don’t all work the same way. When choosing which one to buy, there are some considerations you need to think about first. 


This should be at the top of your checklist. We have discussed the differences between the electric and the desiccant dehumidifiers. Based on their characteristics and requirements, which type would be a better choice for you? If you prefer electric, does your gun safe have the capacity to accommodate it and its respective wirings? Do you have a power source nearby? If you choose the desiccant type, can you be sure you won’t forget to check if it needs to be recharged? Whichever type you choose, be ready to also do your part in its proper maintenance.


Consider the size of your safe and the dehumidifier you need. If you’re picking an electric rod, it’s best to go with the largest that can fit inside your safe. For this, you will need to know the accurate dimensions of your gun safe. If desiccant is your choice, check the coverage area of each model. In case your safe has too big of an area for your dehumidifier, it might be a good idea to have more than one unit working. 

Humidity Level

Temperatures and humidity outside of your safe also determine the amount of moisture that can accumulate inside. If you live in the tropics and place your gun safe in your basement, then you’ll probably need a more powerful dehumidifier. You can even try a combination of electric and desiccant models.

Benefits of Using a Dehumidifier For Your Gun Safe

Through searching the web, I’ve found some creative ways to get rid of excess moisture in a gun safe. If you try this, baking soda and charcoal are some of the most common alternatives that you’ll find. These might work, but in the long run a dehumidifier is still your safest bet. 

For one, it is specifically designed to dehumidify a gun safe. Once installed, they require little to no attention, except for the time you need to recharge a desiccant. Even the electric types consume very low power that you’ll hardly notice when they’re there. Overall, a gun safe dehumidifier is the best solution to humidity problems in your safe.


Being a responsible gun owner means practicing proper care and safekeeping of your items. This includes maintaining a healthy environment inside your gun safe by having a dehumidifier in place. Choosing the best dehumidifier for your gun safe shouldn’t be a difficult decision. Think of your specific needs and compare them with each of the models we discussed. With careful consideration, you may find your new dehumidifier from our list. For maximum moisture removal, use a combination of electric and silica gel dehumidifiers.

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